David Von Metz is a painter, collagist, photographer, and digital artist, from Rock Springs, Wyoming. He has trained in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and Art. David holds degrees in Material Science and Mathematics.
You can learn more about David Von Metz at davidvonmetz.com
My current artwork encompasses painting, drawing, and digital print creation; and the exploration of intersections between those practices. My visual vocabulary is informed by my mathematics background. Many of my artworks are created by repetition, transformation, and iteration of primitive elements. These are fundamental processes in some areas of mathematics.
For my work from 2018 to the present, I was thinking of wavelike phenomena. Every wave, no matter how complex, can be understood as the superposition of simple sinusoidal waves of various frequencies. High frequencies are small-scale changes, occurring rapidly in the time dimension; or alternatively, in spatial dimensions. Low frequencies are large-scale changes, occurring slowly in time or in space.
Maybe you can see how these considerations have emerged in my artworks in this show.