The Cultural Center of Wyoming
Barbara Rogers works in large format in her Wyoming studio using intricately detailed abstract images in the traditional media of oil painting, pastel drawing, and printmaking. Rogers pulls inspiration from society’s collective apprehension and the edginess that stems from the critical issues affecting our lives; issues that we are caught up in trying to avoid or confront. She has recently returned to Casper, after having studied and worked in Oakland, California for many years.
“The recent work presented in this show has been produced after my return to Casper. Here I am influenced by certain sensations that bring about a vivid recall from my childhood. I am able to experience a place or past event just from the vagaries of the weather alone. And much of this ‘already seen’ experience is brought on by the wind.
A favorite memory is the sound of the wind blowing around the house at night, a kind of scary/soothing mix.”