Become a Nic Member!
Your membership helps the Nicolaysen Art Museum continue to be a cultural anchor in our community. You can become a member by stopping by the Nic to fill out our membership form and paying with either Credit Card, Check, or Cash. You can also submit your membership by filling out this FORM, including your payment form, and mailing it to:
400 E. Collins
Casper, WY 82601
OR Below you will see an online form you can fill out and pay through PayPal. Please note that if you pay for a membership this way you will see a slight increase from the membership amount. This is added on so we can handle processing fees through PayPal.
Membership Levels
•Free admission for one adult 18 or over
•10% Museum Store discount.
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Members
DUAL: $50
•Free admission for one adult and guest
•10% Museum Store discount
•10% Museum Store discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for both Members
•Free admission for Member, Family, and two guests
•10% Museum Store Discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Member+Family
•Birthday Party Discounts
•Complimentary NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership.
PATRON: $500
•Free admission for Member, Family, and six guests.
•15% Museum Store Discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Member+Family
•Birthday Party Discount
•Complimentary NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership
•10% Event Rentals Discount
•One annual private tour on request
•Free admission for one Student with a valid Student ID or one adult over 60
•10% Museum Store discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshops discounts for Members
•Free admission for two adults and up to four children
•10% Museum Store discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Member+Family
•Birthday Party Discounts
•Free admission for Member, Family, and four guests
•15% Museum Store Discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Member+Family
•Birthday Party Discount
•Complimentary NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership
•10% Event Rentals Discount
•Free admission for Member, Family, and eight guests
•15% Museum Store Discount
•Special Events Priority List
•Class/Workshop discounts for Member+Family
•Birthday Party Discount
•Complimentary NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership
•10% Event Rentals Discount
•Two annual private tours on request